A high-scoring rule-breaking jamboree

A report on the July 2010 monthly by Atharv Joshi. The quiz was 'QM'ed by yours truly and can be viewed here.

Version 3.2. of the SEQC Monthlies (that is, the 2nd Quiz of the 3rd Year) was held on the day of American Independence, July the 4th. The QM hosting duties went to Ameya (the man with the silent “A”) and boy! We quizzers, about 50 in number (mostly school children) witnessed one of the longest quizzes, having 78 questions in all. It was also one of the more innovative quizzes (in many factors), be it the Questions, the Theme, the Scoring Pattern and the Formal Rules which stated “The QM is no God, argue with him and if proven wrong, beat him up!” and other such unconventional suggestions.

The scoring pattern of the quiz was, as quoted by the “Man with the Silent “A”, “meant for high-scoring, and to overpower the master-quizzers (Read: Annie and Rajiv) and to create winning opportunities for all teams”. The theme of the quiz was “SEQC” with the rounds being dedicated to quizzers of SEQC; Rajiv, Annie, Anjali, Tallulah, V.G, Chirag, the Young Turks, the Kids, and last, but not the least, “The Man with the last silent “A”, Ameya himself.

Returning to the quiz, it had 13 rounds with 6 questions in each round. The last two rounds were the highest scoring ones as they were the ones having sitters and some easy school-level questions. At the end of it, it was a high scoring encounter as expected with Rajiv’s team taking it all with 254 points. Another record broken was that of the lowest margin of winning a quiz -- just 2 points!! Adish’s team scored 252 points, and were surely in the driver’s seat at one stage, only to receive a -10 and have Rajiv answer a F-1 related ‘Safety Car connect’ question to enforce the safety car and the victory, and it was no overtaking for Adish’s team from there on!

The Quiz had it all.

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