A trip down under

I have been wanting to share my experience of my trip to Australia for some time now. Had initially planned to describe the entire experience in one post and share the same with you all. But I couldn't get myself to sit at one place and pen it down... for I realized there is a lot to share and as time passes by, my memories are fading fast as well. So I will make a start and publish a day wise report of things we did, the experiences we cherished and the memories we made. 

I will just describe the validation trip in this post here without flashbacking through the PR process and my experiences during it. I do have lot of things to share regarding that as well, but maybe I will keep that for another time.

However before I start I want to give you guys a fair warning or a disclaimer of sorts. Reading through the posts you guys might get a feeling that I am a bit too critical of things back home or already too much dazed with down under. While I didn’t intend to criticize every aspect of India, one cannot help but feel the difference one get to feel in terms of discipline, convenience, etiquette, courtesy etc. Please spare me for this indulgence. So here goes…

Note: I will be updating each of these posts as I recollect more things.

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