Scoff the people, buy the people, forget the people

The election fever is in the air and everyone is feeling the heat. The elections are one of the important cornerstones of democracy. The adult franchise or the universal ballot thus bestows us with the right to rule the affairs of the country, though not directly. The representative nature of our democracy enables us to send our representative to the legislative body who thus forms the rules and laws which in turn affects the public. Thus, in a way we ourselves are responsible for all the good and bad that happen to us. Virtually since the elected candidate is the nominee of the majority of the people from the constituency, he is considered to be representing the views and opinions of that majority. He or she is thus supposed to act in a manner that would be beneficial for the larger mass of the country. Thus our democracy was aptly labeled “of the people, buy the people, forget the people”.

However off late the candidate have been showing utter disregard for the human populace who has elected him or her to be their representative. They show no concern for the voters when it comes to formulating the policies and are least concern for the larger good of the constituents.

They are not to be entirely blamed either for this. For they spend huge amounts of money to see them getting elected. The electoral trend and results don’t exactly show the people’s choice and one could argue it’s the outcome of how much the candidate has spent. The election results should be the endorsement by the people in the abilities of the candidate. However, current trend shows the candidature overtures in spending money and enticing his electorate with his promises, false or otherwise, is the major attributes in deciding s/he is on the winning side or no. The votes are literally bought; or one could say people are selling themselves for short term gains.

On getting elected, there happens to be no connect between the candidate and the people. For s/he believes his seat in the echelons of power is been literally bought and there are no leaning left towards the people. The candidate gets more and more aloof for the ground reality and he comfortably forgets about the existence of those voted for him till the next such time when their votes would be needed.

Going by this trend, one can blame if we call this democracy “Scoff the people, buy the people, forget the people”


MiLiNd said...

Unlike earlier elections, this time around there has been tremendous awareness among the masses specially - the youth thanks to commendable initiatives by various agencies.
To name a few
- JaaGore movement by TATA tea/Janagraha to get as many voters enrolled in the voters list,(

-Campaign for no criminals in politics providing the criminal records, if any, of your candidate (

-LeadIndia'09 by TimesOfIndia group to spread awarenss about the whole election process. (

I expect considerable turnout of the youth to the polling booths this election. Even the political parties are aware of this which is why we see so many ads of the national parties on social networking and other popular sites.
And it is imperative for the youth to vote to get our politicians out of their scoff-buy-forget attitude.

Ameya said...

yes milind,
together we can, together we will :) Amen!

MiLiNd said...

I was talking abt the youth bdw....but if u want to count urself in ....well...oh ok....

Anonymous said...

Milind, i see the goddamn IT life sucking out the youth in you... quit before you are drained bro...