Back Bencher Rhyme

(Sing in the tune of Summer of ‘69)

I got my first back in the secon’ sem
Got it in third’ n fourth
Answered al’ in an attempt
Ll I get any hence forth?

Me and some mates from school
Had many Backs and we tried real hard
Some cheated and others had copied
I shualda known we still wont pass

Oh if I took backs now
These backs will last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I always wanna blast them

Those were the worst days of my life(CHORUS)

Ain't no use in studyin'
When gotta crape job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the canteen
And that's where I fagged one or two.

Standin on the canteen’s porch
Prof told us that you'd fail forever
Oh and when he told me that
I knew no’one can flunk for ever

Those were the worst days of my life(Chorus)

Mate, profs are wastin' our time
They are nerds and useless
We needed to unwind
I guess no-one' can fail us forever, no

And now the rules are changin'
Look at I.Ts as come and gone
Sometimes when I scrol’ those crape pages
I think about n’ wonder what went wrong

Squattin' at the Leo's croach
She told me she wud love me ever
Oh the way you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never

Those were the best days of my life

- Ameya A. Mardolkar (P.C.C.E Comp. Sc.)
(Compiled during the boring 5th sem lectures)


This is my blog and I mean it. This is like a whiteboard to me where-in I can scribble out what my mind thinks and what my heart feels... This blog may very well give a insight about me. So guys, watch out for this space if you wanna know about who I am and what I am.